Embracing Your Authentic Self: Building an Online Brand for Success

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Join host Brie Willits on another empowering episode of "Becoming Better Together." In this episode, we delve into the world of online presence and personal branding. Discover how to embrace your true self and...

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Breaking Through Limitations: Empowering Your Relationship with Money

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Join host Brie in this transformative podcast as she guides you on a journey towards financial empowerment. Discover how to challenge limiting beliefs about money and open yourself up to new possibilities. Bri...

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The Journey of Starting Something New: How to Maintain Momentum and Discipline

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Have you ever started something new for yourself, only to find it starts off exciting and full of momentum, but then quickly becomes hard and requires discipline to maintain? In this episode, we explore the...

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Conquering Procrastination: Setting Goals and Overcoming Avoidance - The Morning Challenge

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

In this episode, we're diving deep into the topic of procrastination and how to overcome it. We'll be discussing the importance of setting goals and prioritizing tasks, as well as the benefits of taking on the most...

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How to Move Forward in Life with Rose, Bud, Thorn Technique

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

From time to time we need something that helps us congratulate our achievements and grow. This is a journaling activity that will assist you to understand your current situation on a positive note.

The rose is your...

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5 Tough Lessons I’ve Learned When I Took the Fun Out of the Business

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

"I'm done listening to the gurus with the things that don't align with me."

You might have noticed my absence, and I want to thank you for sticking with me during this needed reset. If I'm being honest, I didn't...

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[EXPERT SERIES] Debunking Nutrition and Plant-Based Lifestyle Myths with Chef Heather Flowers and Dr. Erin Mayfield

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Did you know food affects your mindset? Studies have shown it can even impact your depression. Our nutrition is key to our physical and mental health and therefore impacts our everyday lives.

I've been wanting to...

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[EXPERT SERIES] How To Become Bigger Than Money With Andres Hinojosa

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

In this episode, we have chefpreneur Andres Hinojosa sharing more about the shifts he had to make to survive through the toxic industry environment chefs encounter. How he managed to branch out as a chef and now...

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Drop All Excuses and Join a Successful Tribe!

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

In this episode, Brie shares amazing news for whoever wants to elevate their personal and/or business growth. We are a reflection of the 5 closest people in our lives, our tribe matters! Jump in today’s...

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The Power Of Consistency and Belief With Music Industry Titan Chris Keaton

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Chris Keaton is an award-winning music publisher, artist management consultant and entertainment industry executive who resides in Nashville, Tennessee.

His lifelong career in music has included many years as a...

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The Power Of Hope: How It Can Change Your Life and Make All the Difference

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Do you have something that you're hoping for?

In this episode, we're going to take a look at why hope matters so much and how it can change your life if you let it.

In this episode, I will cover:

  • How I found hope...
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Two Things That Really Make You Stand Out as an Online Business

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

We've been doing a lot of personal development and growth, and that's great! But today, we want to talk about how you can stand out as an online business. Whether that's a creator, course creator, coach,...

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How To Nurture Your Inner Child and Bring Magic Back Into Your Life

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

When we were younger, everything was magical. We believed in everything, and we were open to new experiences without fear or hesitation. As we grow older, many of us lose our sense of wonder and imagination. But...

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How To Mold Yourself Into The Person You Were Born To Be, No Matter Where You Came From

 Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

What does it mean to be an eagle versus a duck? Could someone really transform themselves and change from a duck to an eagle? Does the way we were born or raised mean we are stuck to that mold forever or can...

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Why Your Mindset Matters: How to Create a Positive Mindset for Success with Gao Peraino

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits.

Today, we are joined by a very special guest and one of my good friends, Gao Peraino. She is a Life and Mindset coach, she loves helping and impacting lives. In this episode, we talk about how a positive mindset...

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